Anosognosia and Dementia

Anosognosia is a word that means unawareness of functional deficit. It is a common condition in people with Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) – they are not fully aware of their deficits. We can’t state that people with AD never have awareness of their deficits because there is a fair amount of evidence that in the earlier stages of AD there is at least some awareness of memory problems and slowed cognition. The relative anosognosia in AD patients can be contrasted with Parkinson’s patients who are all too aware of their deficits. Theirs is mainly a motoric disorder, which is brought about by neuronal death in the substantia nigra, an area of the brain that produces dopamine (a neurotransmitter). The resting tremors and slowed movements can been extremely frustrating to people with Parkinson’s disease because they are completely aware of their problems.