I just ran across a site that has a few medical imaging software packages. One of them is MedINRIA.
“MedINRIA aims at providing to clinicians state-of-the-art algorithms dedicated to medical image processing and visualization. Efforts have been made to simplify the user interface, while keeping high-level algorithms. Each application is called a module, and can be loaded dynamically from a single main window. MedINRIA is available for Microsoft Windows XP/Vista, Linux Fedora Core, MacOSX, and is fully multithreaded.”
Link to a description and download.
I have not tried the software yet – my MRI analysis software is FSL – but this software looks promising. Plus it runs natively on Windows, Linux (Fedora Core), and Mac OS X (FSL only runs natively in OS X and Linux – it’s a little tricky to run in Windows). Not that running in Windows is necessarily a perk – our preferred MRI processing workstation is a Mac – but many people are using Windows. If I get around to installing the software, I’ll post a review of it later. I’m always looking to user-friendly ways to analyze MRI data. Best of all, like FSL, it is free. It is based, in part, on the open-source and excellent ITK and VTK packages.